
March 8, 2015

 I’d like you to know that I’m about 1/3 thru the camelidynamics book and without a doubt it has changed my thought process in every way towards hoofed animals specifically and all animals in general.  It will be at least 2 years before I can start my own herd and am going to register for one of Marty's classes before that blessed event takes place.  I’m thrilled that I’m reaping the benefits of Marty’s presence in the camelid world before I start my venture and will do my utmost to purchase only animals  that have been handled using her methods.  Please accept my sincere thanks and expect an order sometime in the next year for ropes, halters and other gear.  I’m a firm believer in repaying the giver, life is a big circle especially when giving our best to others.  Take care and expect to hear more from me soon. 
