You are most welcome for my small order! Our Marty lead ropes have held us for 23 years and finally are frazzled and we are in need of the two I ordered.
23 years ago PRIOR TO us owning our first two llamas I attended a clinic you presented at Caroline Boeckman’s Long Neck Llama Ranch in Northfield, NH. It was there that you confirmed I/we were headed on the right track by finding out first of all if llamas were for us…apparently so! Then I took home with me all those visions of sugarplums dancing in my head about “chunking things down into manageable portions”, your shared beliefs in Tellington-Jones techniques AND THEN SOME! It was a magic weekend that changed our lives forever and you were the biggest part of it.
We are now 23 years later down to our last 9 llamas, a mostly geriatric herd, all of us aging together the best way we know how….chunking things down into manageable portions, getting help shearing and doing toes, offering help when we can in return.
It’s so good to know you are still out and about spreading your good words and wisdom, making others’ lama lives possible and insuring the well-being of the critters who benefit from your teachings.
Lisa and Al, Push Me Pull You Farm