Hi Marty,
The four day was great. Thank you so much, I will always be grateful for the experience and info I gained in the last few days. You are an amazing teacher. I always learned a lot in the two day seminars, but the extra hands on and repitition of concept in the four day was invaluable in getting the concepts you are teaching to really sink in.
This was a great group of people, so much fun. I learned skills that will be helpful in many areas of life along with alpaca handling : Less is more, neutral contact vs grab and hold, and allowing to escape vs "catching", for starters. Things I knew became "lightbulb" moments. To get the behavior I am looking for, I need to handle the animal counter to the way I would naturally handle. Now my goal is for these techniques to become so second nature in me, that my natural handling methods will be those that allow for the animal’s feelings of safety and respect. We all kind of need to know there is a way of escape if we need one, and that no one is going to say we can't have it!