Hi Marty- Bob and I wanted to thank you for the techniques we learned at the 4-day seminar in February/March. Our goal was to learn better methods or tools to handle our herd so that we did not stress them out when we needed to administer care. Learning to use the catch rope and the midline catch and brace method as we tend their needs has made such a large difference in what they will let us do. Making sure they are in balance has reduced their struggling defense and made it much easier to control their movements. We found it equally important that Bob and I both attended the seminar because we present a united front and are consistent in our handling of the Herd and the Herd knows what to expect when they see us coming. Even our aggressive girls have become less aggressive since we have stopped doling out snacks and now make them earn the snacks. Mia our wild child and her sister Haley have stopped bumping us or pulling on our arms to get our attention because when they do they know they do not get a snack. We can’t thank you enough for steering us in the right direction. We love our Herd even more since we feel we do a better job handling them and it is easier taking care of them. I know we still have a lot to learn but learning the basic handling skills has opened up our ability to move forward with our Herd in a more positive direction. From Me and Bob and the PennyAlpacer herd THANKS!
Sarah and Bob McCaskill