Neck Wrap


New and Improved Neck Wrap!  This new neck wrap is made of lightweight stretchy neoprene.  

This tool was inspired by Marty’s work with Linda Tellington-Jones. Linda has pioneered wraps and their use with animals.  Linda Tellington-Jones™s work led to the creation of the Thundershirt used for dogs frightened of thunderstorms and other loud noises. A neck wrap serves a similar function with camelids. Marty recommends neck wraps for animals that react violently when injected or when having toenails trimmed. The neck wrap can also very effective in working with animals that are difficult to halter or that startle easily when led. The neck wrap is a more recent innovation taking the place of the body wrap (discontinued) in many situations.  If you have read about the body wrap simply substitute the use of the neck wrap. You will accomplish the same effect and the neck wrap is easier to put on and take off.  Keep the neck wrap on while you work with the animal and remove it before you let the animal go back with the herd.

I recommend using the bracelet technique to balance the animal as you put on the neck wrap.  Roll the ends of the neck wrap towards the middle.  The wrap should be snug but not tight. (see photos)




How to use the neck wrap:

The long camelid neck makes balancing the head a challenge.  The neck wrap is particularly effective with issues around the head; haltering, oral worming to name just two… but the good news doesn’t end there…if you have a llama or an alpaca that kushes, kicks, or is difficult to treat medically try the neck wrap.  Last year while traveling in Australia I worked with a head shy llama that I thought would benefit from a body wrap but the body wrap didn’t work for a number of reasons.  Necessity being the mother of invention… I just wrapped the neck instead with the body wrap.  It worked like a charm.  The llama settled down and accepted haltering much more easily. He also led better and stayed more focused.  Since then, I have wrapped necks all over the place and the results are almost always dramatic. The really good news…the neck wrap is easy and safe for beginners to use.   

To put the neck wrap on the animal, roll the ends of the neck wrap towards the center, begin wrapping from the base of the neck and end at just below the ears.  Snap the fastex buckle at the top of the neck.  There will be more space between the wraps on a larger animal but it doesn’t compromise the effectiveness of the wrap. The wrap should be snug, but not tight.  When you remove the neck wrap make sure to keep both ends in your hands as you unwind the wrap.  Dropping the ends could cause the animal concern if the wrap dangles around the front legs.

I have used the body wrap for wrapping the neck but the new neck wrap is much easier because it hooks without Velcro.  In testing the body wrap for this new purpose we found that the noise of the Velcro up by the ears was problematic in almost every animal.  The new neck wrap is easy, quiet and safe.

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 2 in