Herding, Sorting, Leading Wand


Once you begin using wands for herding and sorting animals you will not believe that you could have done it without them. Wands not only extend your reach but don’t frighten the animals. In a very short time the animals understand that the way you use the wands is really a language. They begin to understand where you want them to do and they go! Using wands when you sort animals means that the animals respond to the signals you give with the wands and aren’t simply jumping away from your outstretched arms.

Using the wands for herding and sorting sets the stage for using them as leading signals. You can teach  your animals not to run past you and help him learn where you want him to stand. Leading with wands is an excellent way to teach your animal the skills he or she needs for the show ring. Try a wand you won’t ever want to be without it!  The herding and leading wand is the same high quality made in the USA wand only does not include the clip attachment. Buy one of each style and you will have two wands for herding and sorting one for use with the catch rope and one for specialized leading.




PLEASE NOTE WHEN ORDERING A WAND:  My shipping module has difficulty calculating accurate shipping when your order includes a wand.  I am working on this issue but it is proving to be a difficult problem to solve—I have tried.  AND it is expensive to ship wands however in most cases not nearly as expensive as the amount charged. I keep an eye on these orders and will refund shipping and notify you of the refund.  If you are placing an order and the shipping seems inordinately high PLEASE do one of two things

  1. Place the order and send me an email to alert me so that I can keep tabs on it (two heads better than one)
  2. Email me marty@camelidynamics.com  with your concerns before you order. I can give you a guesstimate of the likely shipping.