Hallo to everyone, sorry if my english is not good! My name Is Daniele, i am a italian alpacas breeder. I make my compliments for the beautiful work you have done , It s Amazing! I would ask you an advice about a problem that i have in my farm with my new stallion Pedro. I have buy Pedro, beautiful 5 year s old male from a friend. From my friend s farm, Pedro live in a box with another quiet male and he went out for mount female . The previous owner use strong method Like punishment and loud Scream, and he tell me to use strong and hard hand with Pedro. But i m not agree with him and i want to create a nice and quiet relation with Pedro, from the beggining in my farm. Pedro come to my Place in october 2020, from the fisrt time when i approach his fence he Scream and spit to me, and when he see females he stand up on rear legs and hurt the fence. Pedro from the beggining, when someone enter the fence, approach direct the persons and walk around the people . From the beggining i take Pedro two/trhee times a week for small walking around my property to create more confidence with me. He don t became quiet, in the last month he started to bite my feet every time i going down or i try to pick up something from the ground, and he start stand up and hurt me sometimes. Some days ago when i re enter from the walking when we was in the fence, i keep away the Halter, stay beside him, but he hurt me strong and give me bad hit on a leg, and when i was down he try to bite me. Some breeder tell me he probably could be a bersek . I don t think so, i think that i made mistake. I think that Pedro have fear of something. He live alone beside the fence of female and crias, and when he don t see the other alpaca seems to bè more agitated. But when i enter Pedro fence he Scream and spit when i was near him , only if i stay far three/five meter he stopped to scream . Thank you if you can give me some advice, i m sure that i make mistake and he Is not bersek male .