I have a llama who is 9 months and 5 days old. She was born premature on 1 January, but has absolutely thrived since day one. Over the last week we have found that she is no longer with the herd. Often being left behind when they come in at night. She will be standing all by herself looking "lost" and a bit dazed. Not at all worried. This is a girl who previously would never leave mums side. More and more she is sitting all day - ears up - head up - but appearing to be fast asleep in the sun. She eats very little but defecation and urination all seem normal. Today I have put her in a small yard near the house and given her water, feed and pellets of her own to enjoy without bullying from the herd. She has been drinking and nibbling for a few hours now. She is letting me handle her which is very unusual and just seems to want me to sit with her and stroke her. I am not sure what else to do. Temp normal. Has been wormed, vaccinated and in last 24 hours given additional doses of all vitamins and minerals. She can walk if she chooses to - but is doing so less and less. She is also losing a notable amount of weight - which is why I have isolated her for a day or two so she can eat uninterrupted. No apparent infection, discharge, etc.............. Any suggestions please??