Using the trailer for herd health

Discussion in 'Herd Maintenance' started by dmas, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. dmas

    dmas CAMELIDynamics Consultant

    Feb 18, 2013
    Chieflanad, Florida
    This month a few of my girls are carrying a pretty good load of parasites. We are in Florida after all and that is to be expected. I've been treating off and on when needed for the individuals that needed it and that has gone reasonably well, including giving oral meds. However, this month I have more than one that I need to treat and one of the girls is not really as cooperative as the others. So, day one of five, everyone got their dose but Silhouette was wearing most of hers (and so was I). So, she got some more and while it was quite a struggle, I got it in her. Day two of five (I knew it was not going to get any better), again everyone else was reasonably good, but Silhouette added laying down to her response.

    I should back up here and say that I packed a mini catch pen with the girls that needed to be dosed. Also, Silhouette was and is fine with me using a mid-line catch and bracelet, and a bit of working her mouth. However, when I put my finger in her mouth to prepare to administer the oral meds, that is when she would employ evasive head moves.

    Marty suggested that I try giving the meds in the trailer which I keep parked next to my handling area for just such a thing (duh). So today, day three of five, I herded everyone into the trailer (they all wanted to go), and then administered their meds. Took me less time to do four girls than it took to do just Silhouette on days one and two. Silhouette still chose to lay down, but did not seem unduly stressed or upset and I was able to get a full dose in her and none on her or me. Worked like a charm! Next trailer toenail trimming :D
  2. dmas

    dmas CAMELIDynamics Consultant

    Feb 18, 2013
    Chieflanad, Florida

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  3. marty mcgee bennett

    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

    Jul 25, 2005
    New Smyrna Beach, Florida

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