several questions to leading out in the nature of llama

Discussion in 'Leading' started by Susanne, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Susanne

    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014
    I have my 4 llamas geldings only since four months and after the workshop with Marty in Switzerland i sucessfully halftered my best and already
    experienced leading Llama Rosano ( 6 Jears) in the catch pen and we were walking together in the nature now for 5 time for abeout 30 min to 1 hour --
    This experience makes me very happy - and I couldnt have done it without Martys workshop,- thanks soo much.

    Up to now I am walking alone only with my Llama gelding Rosano, in general walking with him goes very well and I feel connected with him, - i think this is because Rosano is calm, open and interested and already experienced in walking and mountain trekking and in being close to people. I feel he enjoys also being most important and getting this extra walking oppertunity.

    With the three other geldings - each 3.5 years old- I dont want to walk alone, my plan is first to learn to lead Rosano well and then let alway join Rosano in the walk with one of the three younger geldings. - and then I walk together with my llama-helper and worker on my place.

    But there are some situations in walking that dont go so well..
    In the camelidynamics workshop I loved the new experience with leading of the llama in the left nosering and with the ground work - just by being out in the nature there are many new questions open to me and I am glad if you could answer.
    1. my llama has many wool and if the halfter has to be checked for fitting after 10 minutes again- how I do this ? I dont dare to open it to reajust - alone out in nature -
    or better wait 10 min with the llamas staying in the catch pen befor starting walking?
    2. is leading from the left side nose ring really better being out longer in the nature on a walk, or is it then easier leading from the middle ?
    my experience it that in uneaven grounds or curves in the way it is difficult to stay always on the left side of the llama -

    and i have the wish to guide rosano the way to the left or to the right. but with the lead in left side nose ring I can only direct him to the left ---and I talk to him if we want to go to the right.. - I say to rosano. please lets go to the right side.. - well I am lucky, he does understand my talkings and goes to the right side...- beceause he is a very intuitive llama ? ..

    3. I know I have to check and balance small impulses from rosanos nose towards the ground.. but it happend... rosano starts to eat a poisonous plant out in the wood, i got a shock and pulled more strong on the leading rope to prevent him from going on eating the plant.. it workes - he stayes away form this plant, ---but next time he likes again to eat the similar plant ( I understand I created resistance) - so is there a signal - if i am tooo late already to balance the animal- to help me keep away a llama from a danger ? .
    4. all llamas I know are going downhill on the path quicker then on even ground- And I am slower on downwarts slippery grounds - so what signal is to teach him to go slower ? ( not to stop) - on smaller paths in the nature there is not always a fence I can direct him towards or i cannot do so easy an circle...

    5. What ist the cameldynamic way to act if I am walking with llamas and a free moving big dog -without a lead- comes along ? I heard from my breeder big dogs are threatening for llamas and can dangerously injure them if they attack llamas- This issue is important to me beceause I live on top of al hill with an nice view and many people walking by there and they often let there dog walk free - oh so nice up here now i let my dog walk free - I put also notes on my fence to show people to keep there dogs on the rope . and therefore i walk out only with my llamas over noon time an under the week- not at week ends- .. is there an other chance to deal with free walking dogs ?

    5. - do you have for selling a very light wand in teleskop style for longer walks - so I can have it in the pocet with 30 cm and take it out if I need it ?

    6. do you have special videos where you show the leading out in the nature in its different aspects?

    7. in my stable the paddock it next to the catch pen and from my catch pen It goes out the path to nature. i realise that I have no seperate area for ground work with the llamas., I think it would be helpful for me to have - after the catch pen- first a fenced save areal for ground work - after this I can got out for walking ? is is senseful to practise more ground work each time before walking out in nature?

    sorry for my bad english writing, I talk much better than i can post these english letters- . hope you understand it well.
    greetings from Susann Germany
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2019
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    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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  9. Susanne

    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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