intimidating behavior of geldings towards two youngsters after reunion of herd

Discussion in 'Behavioral Challenges' started by Susanne, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. Susanne

    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014
    Dear Marty,

    After I garded the 3 new llamas for 2 months in a seperate area because of the heavy worm load of the 2 youngsters now since a week the 2 lama groups are together in one herd.
    I enjoy a lot to watch their different connection behaviores and I am happy they had no fights going on - at least none at the times where I was watching them.
    In general the athmosphere ist calm and peaceful and accepting in the herd of 7 llamas and I am very happy about this .

    They are all 7 spending most of their time togehter inside the stable and they are much less outside on the pasture -, mainly because of the rainy and snowy weather, but maybe they also like it to be close togehter for the start

    I wanted very much that Camillos good education and calmness comes into my herd but I am astonished as well that Camillo behaves really very dominant towards all of my 4 first geldings - also towards Rosano.
    Camillo does not do much but with his dominant body posture and threatening movements with his head up he shows to all that he is the first. he does this in all occations possible.- mainly at the steps- at the 6 different places for the hayracks and at the fir branches for nibbeling .

    The other 4 geldings are accepting Camillos behavior and are making themselves lower - so there is no fight. .

    BUT for me it looks like because my 4 first geldings cannot do much against the new boss Camillo they are trying to give their frustation on to the young ones and they are threatening the two youngster full male llamas more often than I like this to see.

    for example without no reason 3 of my 4 first geldings are making that intimidating movement with the head from behind towards the youngsters to chase them away from their hay place or also are trying to disturb at my clicker training with Titus . ( Just Rosano behaves nice towards the youngsters )

    Mainly my lower ranking white lama Dana does this intimidating movement quite often towards Titus and Sirus . I dondt know if it is helpful fo me to interfere and what can i do about it. ?

    I general I stay outside the happenings in the herd and I only watch them -but I like to protect the two lovely and calm youngsters so they can feel well in the new herd of 7 lamas.

    If Dana goes hard on Titus or Sirius I tried out to call loud out : DANA stopp this and be nice to Titus.

    Anyway my shouting helped to stopp Danas behavior for a while , Dana lookes up to me but afterwards he wents on and chases Titus away from his food oder standing place

    Then I go over to the youngster and talk to him that he is very nice llama and Dana will stopp this threatening behavior soon and I show the youngster an new empty hay place where he can eat,

    d I dont know it it is helpful to interfere with herd communicaton- DO you have something that can help?

    and how long would you say does it last till the herd is peaceful reunificated togehter??.

    I think also with leading and walking out in nature I will wait better some weeks since the moods are settled down again.
    is this senseful to give the llamas more time alone to find themselves in the new herd or is it better to just go on the handle them normally?
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
  2. marty mcgee bennett

    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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    Susanne Well-Known Member

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    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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