Breeding male llama aggressive to females

Discussion in 'Behavioral Challenges' started by marty mcgee bennett, Aug 7, 2005.

  1. marty mcgee bennett

    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

    Jul 25, 2005
    New Smyrna Beach, Florida
    I was going to suggest giving him just a little bit of ace
    promazine but since you are reluctant to use any drugs forget that, I
    think the place you are breeding him is the problem. Is there a way to
    trailer your boy and a really obliging experienced female to a neutral
    place? Or do you have a place on your farm that is away from the other
    male? I understand from your email that your males are next to each
    other but are not housed together? I think this is the problem. They
    trade silent (maybe not so silent insults) across the fence and he is
    itching to fight that male and can't, then, when you put a female in
    with him fighting is all he can think of particularly when the other
    male is right there watching. I think you are right once he breeds
    successfully once the problem will be over. Although there are males
    that would rather patrol a fence and protect territory than breed an
    open female standing patiently in their paddock.
    Ideally I would take him away from that male and put him somewhere away
    from his paddock to breed. The other thing that might clarify things
    is to let the two males live together- if you are willing to do that.
    Then he wouldn't have all that pent up fighting frustration when he
    finally gets around another llama. Hope that helps.


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