I've just returned from advanced 4 day in Vermont (more about that wonderful experience later). While biding time on my lay-over I noticed a gal walking to our gate seating with an enormous Great Dane on a pink lead and pink therapy packs! Welllll any that know me won't be surprised --I moved toward them as a magnet to a pole. Turns out that the 2 legged was part of the Wounded Warriors Project and "Shelby" was her companion/therapy dog. Shelby was providing companionship to her due to her loss of an eye and mental battles in Iraq. They were quite a pair. Shelby was jelly in my hands as I did TTouches on her right on the floor of the gate area at airport. She collapsed and rolled for "belly work". Shelby is not such a strict "worker' as many other working dogs so I was allowed. just wanted to share with Jacquie as well as Marty(does this story surprise you?) Marsha