Catch Pen

Discussion in 'Barn & Facility Design' started by bevann, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. bevann

    bevann Associate Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    Brazos Country (Sealy) Texas
    Our stall is along side a large covered area for "trailer storage for my husbands toys (old cars). When we added this on we made a storage room for me and left the dirt floor area (didn't build it up) for an alpaca area. Their area is 10x20 and we keep their hay in their and their auto waterer is there. We brought the building side out 10 feet on the outside, so there is a semi protected area and then gated the other 10 feet. That gate can be pulled inward to make a 10x10 pen in the back or kept open for full size. There's also a gate at the end that is kept open so they can come and go, but can be closed if necessary. (End gate is open in pictures) When they first arrived we kept them inside full size area until they adjusted to it being their stall and then have kept it open and they move in and out at will, but always come in for food.

    My question is whether I could use that back portion closed off for a catch pen to do training, or should we do a separate area for this. I don't want them to fear going into the current covered area when it storms or to eat because they associate it with being caught or worked with. Right now we all four (them and me) are in their comfortably to feed or clean. They stay in if I'm cleaning floor and even rub right up against me lightly, they don't let me reach out to them which they move away if I accidentally do that, but they don't seem to care about their space like they used to, they just want to see what I'm doing.

    We live in a deed restricted area and so I'm limited on buildings etc, but think I could do a stall pen. We are having to add wooden rails to our current wire fence due to rules! A picture is attached and I would love input.
  2. marty mcgee bennett

    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

    Jul 25, 2005
    New Smyrna Beach, Florida

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  3. bevann

    bevann Associate Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    Brazos Country (Sealy) Texas

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