Levi is a 4 year old gelding Llama. The first time I put the large zephyr halter on him, I was surprised to find that even though I put it on him with the halter adjusted to the largest size at both the nose band and the crown piece, it seemed a bit tight on him. He is a big llama, but not the biggest they get. I have included a photo of him here with his halter on, as well as another llama with the same halter for comparison. Levi is the white llama. The other llama is quite a large, thick bodied fellow (maybe has some argentinian type in him?) quite a broad head. I thought he would be the one with the larger head, but the halter actually fits him perfectly (though might be a bit difficult to tell in the picture, there is plenty of space under the nose band). I've also linked a video clip so you can see Levi's head at different angles and even got him to chew a bit of carrot. https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5j5gp15lhshi3p/Levi's Halter.mp4?dl=0 So, is the halter a bit tight or okay fit? Will it stretch a bit? Should I try to find something bigger?