what is best way of integration of two shy llamas rescued from the slaughter?

Discussion in 'Behavioral Challenges' started by Susanne, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. Susanne

    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014
    Dear Marty. Do you remember Ulrike with her pretty femal llama who attended your last clinic in Germany ?
    I like to visit her and her three femal trekking llamas and Ulrike told me that one week ago he got a telephon call from a friend that two llamas are standing at the slaughterhouse of the village and Ulrike went there immediately and bought those two creature free and brought them home and gives them a new live now -so since two weeks she got new a - maybe 3 year old - appolosa female llama Carmen with her mal son Puntito.
    I feel very touched from her couragious deed and her great heart and I help her as much as I can with finding useful informations.
    If I hear of breeders and other people slaughtering thouse precious llama beings that make me so helpless and sad -so I am soo happy about Ulrikes desicion.

    Both are very shy and panicing llamas and Ulrike wants me to overbring to you a big thank you to your person and the camelidynamics clinic because now she loves and needs so much your camelidynamics tools to find a way to introduce human presence and desensitation for haltering to them. - on the photos you see that the female has still injuries from a wrong fitting halter in her face.
    After one week of Camelidynamics handling of the two panic Llamas Ulrike sent me the photo with the halter on Puntio.. and with the femal llama Ulrike was allowed to put the catch rope around her neck- like shown in the photo - both llamas are very frightend to be closed up inside a catch pen but if they are standing free on the pasture Puntito allows Ulrike to halter him quietly now- what a gift

    Mother and son are still kept on a seperate area for quarantaine and later medical treatments and for settling down.
    She only knows that before the three llamas .mother son and the full male father-. where living together in a herd of sheep.

    And Ulrike has no really well working idea how to bring them both together in the herd with her three femal trekking llamas - who are living on another barn and pasture more outside of the village

    The son Puntito was told to be half a year old but he is soo tall and she watches him to start some penis movements while peeing and Ulrike is suspicious that he might be much older.

    So what time is good for castration and can one male gelding live together with 4 femals in a herd later ?

    I recommended Ulrike to take new a second male llama in a similar age and hold them both seperate till kastration at regular 22 to 24 months and after gelding has happend and hormons are going down to reunion them later with the 4 femals in one herd - just this is a lot of work and investment.
    and Ulrike dont like to have soo many llamas - because maybe Carmen is pregnant already.

    We are very interessted to hear if there are other easy solutions?

    What is the best way of integration those two shy llamas in the herd?
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  2. marty mcgee bennett

    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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  3. Susanne

    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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    Poplar'Pacas Active Member

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    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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  7. Susanne

    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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  9. Susanne

    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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  10. marty mcgee bennett

    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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    New Smyrna Beach, Florida

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