find balance in the frequency of handling and training with llamas

Discussion in 'Behavioral Challenges' started by Susanne, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Susanne

    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014
    Dear Marty

    here A Question the frequency of handling and training times with the llamas.

    The more I feel into the camelidynamics appoach the more I feel this is connected to my whole day to day life style..
    and I realise- my own behavior is the biggest challenge .
    Many times a day I am checking myself now : Am I in balance right now with my life ? , do I breathe, ? am I standing physically balanced in my center..
    and many times the answer to this is : NO----I am myself out of balance. Cought in thoughts, worries, or very buisy with other issues -- and I look to the llamas and I feel so small and they are soooo big, my thought is then- I never can handle them securly in that condition...

    Even if I aproach my other animals- the maine coon cats and rabbits- I put more awareness in realizing if I am balanced or not and ajust myself in breathing, body posture, and the way I touch them and move towards them, and I am happy about it

    So I cant handle the llama with the technic of camelidynamics without being in emotional and pysical balance with myself on that day.
    So during the week there are one or maximum two days where I realize : today I have time, am I silent and I feel secure- then I practise my yoga, care for my animals, I am training before on my dummi - and after that go in the catch pen.
    I want to say it is not easy for me and I need a mixture of pacient waiting and a real focus and concentration on the issue of haltering, I can not do it just out of nothing and by chance..

    Im am not sure if this is the right way- or maybe just too german and too perfect? -
    I like you said it is nice to have some fun handling and walking together with the llamas..- But how else can it goe well?

    So what is the best frequency to work with llamas in the catch pen with haltering and walking - for creating trust, improving myself in training and enjoying time together ?

    Since now I worked with my best llama once or twice week , but with the other llamas up to now I worked just once each two or each three weeks.
    And sometimes I have not worked with them for 1 or 2 whole weeks at all.

    And most times in my experience the first time handling in the week goes very well, calm and centered but the second time in the same week they are getting more restless, so maybe working once a week or even less is better ?

    on the other side I was thinking- if I work with the llamas more often - maybe I will learn to relaxe with it more quickly .

    There are so many other topis in my life to balance - with all togehter 14 animals, 3 ha land, the household, my selfemployed business online shop, my friends.. and so on..
    Sometimes I feel desperate that there is so few time in my life to just relax and enjoy the llamas more.

    The deepest peace with them I am feeling by simple things- when I visit them on their meadow or I am sitting down next to them in the stable.
    Around haltering and leading I am always more tensed and concerned about my responsability of treating those big animals safely for both of us.

    But the experience of haltering and leading gives a deeper feeling of trust and relaxation with that animal if we are meeting afterwards- and this trust stayes for a long time .

    I like to feel more the silence and joy while leading a llama but since now I am only getting a glimse of it.
    So what is the way ?

    View attachment 869 View attachment 868
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
  2. marty mcgee bennett

    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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    Susanne Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014

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    Susanne Well-Known Member

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    marty mcgee bennett Administrator

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