Hi Marty,
I am delighted to hear from you, and so happy that Diane and David were in attendance at your CT seminar. She is in the same place that I was, when I attended your seminar about 5 years ago. At that time, I had the 2 geldings. We now have 7 alpacas and 2 llamas (one mini!) - all boys, all the colors of the rainbow.
You taught me to manage our herd in a respectful, quiet and purposeful manner. In fact my hubby and I vaccinated them all just yesterday in 5 minutes flat. Your knowledge has empowered me in so many ways. I often hear your voice in my head when I am out there ('barn goddess=me").
I don't know if you remember when I arrived at the seminar 5 years ago - in an Econoline rental van with my 2 alpacas (osama and bin laden - not their real names but worthy at that time due to power struggles). I was in tears pulling into the driveway of the farm at the seminar because I was so stressed out driving them there, and I had my welders mask and raincoat to protect myself from all their spitting.
I am pleased to say that the welders mask was discarded after I attended your session. And adding more heads to my herd eased the power struggles within.
Best to you, Lise